Warmed (About 20℃)
Normal (About 15℃)
Kosher Certification:
Nanbu Bijin’s Junmai Ginjo has a Kosher Certification, which regard as one of the highest authority of food safety guarantee and also as be in accordance with Jewish religious law.
A religious leaders, called rabbi, check and see ingredients and product processes, and make final decision for this certification.
In U.S.A, Most of all consumers buy with kosher certified foods because they knew it means healthy and safety.
We want to keep delivering our Japanese Sake globally with traditional culture pride, as one of the company with Kosher Certification for Japanese sake and sugar free Plum sake.
Materials: Sake (All Koji preparation Jyunmai sake)
Nanbu Bijin's brewery is located in Ninohe City, the northernmost city in Iwate Prefecture. It is a small city with a population of about 27,000. However, Ninohe City has the largest industry in Japan. It is the largest producer of "raw lacquer" in Japan. This lacquer has been unofficially registered as a World Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO in 2020. The evaluation organization that had conducted the preliminary screening announced that it had recommended "registration. In addition, in 2015, the Agency for Cultural Affairs notified Japanese cultural heritage and national treasures that Japanese domestic lacquer should be used for repairs. As a result, lacquer in Ninohe City has become an industry that fundamentally supports Japan's national treasures, and Nanbu Bijin is the only brewery in the city that supports such national culture.